What i offeR
I’ve learned a lot about the human body over the past two decades of studying, observing, guiding, experimenting and working with people and myself. I’ve studied physical therapy, cranial sacral, chinese medicine, ayurveda, massage techniques, learned from master cranial osteopaths as well as gifted healers through my travels through Asia, the States, South America and Europe. But the biggest lesson I have learned in working with people is the gift of presence. I find that presence, being fully aware, seeing and being seen, accepting what is and allowing, is something we cannot always find everywhere in a busy and crazy world. I do believe the world has come to a place where we are not only buckling under the constant pressure of finances, obligations and rules, but also, it has become a toxic environment for the body and mind. Pollution, electromagnetic waves, radio-waves, pesticides and plastics, are abundant, just to mention a few. We already know that our world is suffering - and so are we. It took me a while to recognise this process within myself. There’s never only one factor that results in a dysfunction in the body-mind, mostly it is a image of the “now” you are living. What do you eat, how do you sleep, how is your bowel movement, what are your thoughts and dreams like, are you driven and passionate or just surviving, are you happy or sad etc. As we loose our inner spark, we also tend to go into our bad habits and tendencies and amplify them. Finding a strong center, and getting some recognition in your process and support, can be a determining factor for a fuller, more abundant and enjoyable life experience.
In my own learning process I have developed various methods combining techniques from all of these tools and understandings, to meet you where you are. We always start with an interview, a heart to heart, to explore your possibilities and need for intervention. Then I tailor the bodywork for your needs, depending on what needs to be balanced, invigorated, calmed, released etc.
What can YOU expect?
My treatments are known to have following benefits:
Alleviates tiredness & aching muscles.
Loosens tight joints, tendons and ligaments.
Realigns the spine and posture.
Heals the cause, and eliminates the effect of the imbalance.
Helps induce healthy sleep patterns.
Reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
Promotes inner growth and eliminates the effect of the imbalance.
Balances the immune system.
Vitalizes both body & soul. Maintains mental, physical & emotional balance.
Beneficial in reducing anxiety & lowering blood pressure.
Heart opening and centering.
I have worked with…
Anxiety, stress and depression
Eating disorders
Whiplash and concussions
Stenosis, hernia and general back/neck pain
Sore and tense muscles, aching joints
Hormonal imbalances, moon cycle dysfunction
Postural imbalances
Shortness of breath, and lung related problems
Dizziness and drowsiness
Scar tissue wounds (surgical and traumatic)
Spiritual growth - releasing tensions
“Isa lyser med sin totale tilstedeværelse. Kærligt, nænsomt og intelligent bliver jeg mødt på briksen i hans klinik, hvor jeg modtager kropsbehandling, som er blid massage og healing.
Det er et fint rum Isa skaber og hans grundige uddannelse og lange personlige erfaring gør mig total tryg.
Jeg kan kun anbefale Isa Raim, kropsbehandler, healer, fysioterapeut og yogalærer.
Isa shines with total presence. Loving, tender and intelligent, I am met in his clinic, where I receive body treatment, which is a gentle massage combine with healing.
It is a delicate space Isa creates and his thorough education and long personal experience allows me to trust the process.
I can recommend Isa Raim as a body therapist, healer, physiotherapist and yoga teacher.”
“Isa er en hjertevarm, nærværende og healende spirituel kropsterapeut, der formår at gøre en behandling nærende og helhedsorienteret. Oplever det handler mere om processen fremfor målet og i et tempo kroppen kan føle sig tryg til at udfolde sig i sit eget tempo og give slip. Han har min varmeste anbefaling fra min sjæl og mit hjerte
Isa is a warm-hearted, present and healing spiritual therapist who manages to make a treatment nourishing and holistic. Experiencing it is more about the process rather than the goal and at a pace the body can feel confident to unfold at its own pace and let go. He has my warmest recommendation from my soul and my heart”
“Jeg har fået en kropsbehandling af Isa Raim og kan på det varmeste anbefale ham. Efter en kort, afvæbnende samtale gik Isa i gang. Det gjorde at jeg var rolig og tryg. Jeg kan sige så meget, at jeg kom sitrende ind ad døren og gik grounded, varm og energifyldt derfra en time senere. Mit sind vandrede, mens Isa behandlede. Selve behandlingen oplevede jeg som en blanding af blødgørende, nænsomme lange strøg og faste, løsnende berøringer fra top til tå, hele tiden med blik for min privatsfære og mit velvære. Jeg er kommende stamkunde.
Med venlig hilsen og med de varmeste anbefalinger
I have received a body treatment from Isa Raim and can warmly recommend him. After a short, disarming conversation, Isa began the bodywork. It made me feel calm and safe. I can say so much that I came shivering in the door and walked out grounded, warm and energetic from there an hour later. My mind wandered while Isa was treating. The treatment itself I experienced as a mixture of emollient, gentle long strokes and firm, loosening touches from head to toe, all the while keeping an eye on my privacy and my well-being. I am a future regular customer.
Sincerely and with the warmest recommendations”
“My warmest recommendations goes to Isa. He is such an inspiration on many levels. His profound knowledge within yoga, alignment, meditation and bodyawareness is mind blowing. So, is his life journey. His vibrating energy is warm, loving, wise (and fun!) You are in such good and caring hands around Isa. Really an extraordinary teacher.
Moreover his body treatments are so nourishing, balancing and uplifting. I had problems with my psoas muscle for a long time and after 2h treatment every single pain passed by... wauw what a relief.... moreover I love the way he expands the traditionel physiotherapy with spiritual guidance and essentiel oil blends to nourish all senses.
Thank you so much!”