Jeg havde bestilt tid til 90 minutters holistisk kropsmassage hos Isa.
Sikke en fantastisk oplevelse.
Det var så meget mere end bare en traditional blid massage.
Isa kombinerer sine mange evner på kryds og tværs, og behandlingen bestod blandt andet af
Kranio sakral terapi mod min tilbagevendende spændingshovedpine.

Jeg nød hvert et øjeblik af behandlingen og giver Isa mine varmeste anfalinger.
Med sit blide væsen og kyndige hænder, bliver man sendt direkte i den skønneste tilstand
af ren afslapning og velvære på Isa briks.
Tusind tak for en skøn behandling.
Jeg kommer igen!
Den bedste og mest autentiske og dygtige terapeut ♡ møder dig på alle planer!
Jeg henvendte mig til Isa, fordi han er den eneste terapeut, der tilbyder terapi på flere planer.
Grundet hans perfekte sammensætning af viden fra fysioterapi, yoga, healing & hans traumeterapeut viden.
Var det, det perfekte match for mig, da jeg havde brug for støtte på flere områder.
Isa er hjertevarm, ser dig som helhed og møder dig på alle planer. Hvilket hurtiggørre rehabiliteringsprocessen. Isa har så meget viden, fra så mange steder og man mærker tydeligt, hans ønske om at dele og hjælpe med alt, hvad han kan.
For mig var det den perfekte behandling i form af vejledende samtale, healing og craniosacral terapi.
Da jeg henvendte mig til Isa havde jeg ugentlige angstanfald og snurren flere steder i kroppen. Som nu efter kort tid er 99% bedre.

De varmeste anbefalinger
— Sofia, Autoriseret fysioterapeut, healer & yogalærer, 8 Feb 2024
My daughter was dealing with some difficult emotions around rejections and goodbyes. It was heavy on her and we went to Isa for support.

Isa helped her by balancing her with biodynamic cranio-sakral therapy and a ‘magic potion’ of flower drops that she was drinking during the day.

She feels very safe with Isa and she has now learned to lie down during treatment - even though this is not a neccesity.

Isa works with so much respect and integrity and I will recommend (and have) him to anyone who’s child is experiencing a hard time emotionally.
— Kiri Weimann, 2 Feb 2024
Efter kun en behandling hos Isa kunne jeg mærke en kæmpe effekt i min krop og i mit nervesystem. Jeg kunne mærke, at han havde sat gang i nogle positive processer i min krop og at den derfor arbejdede videre efter behandlingen. 
Jeg vil anbefale alle at booke en tid hos Isa, for det han kan er magisk
— Hanne, 28 Aug 2023
Vores dreng har et sensitivt nervesystem og efter en behandling hos Isa kunne vi tydeligt mærke, hvilken effekt det havde på hans system.  Vi kunne helt klart mærke en positiv forskel og der er ingen tvivl om, at Isa virkelig ved, hvad han gør
— ANON forældre til dreng på 6 år, 19 Sept 2023
Isa lyser med sin totale tilstedeværelse. Kærligt, nænsomt og intelligent bliver jeg mødt på briksen i hans klinik, hvor jeg modtager kropsbehandling, som er blid massage og healing.
Det er et fint rum Isa skaber og hans grundige uddannelse og lange personlige erfaring gør mig total tryg.
Jeg kan kun anbefale Isa Raim, kropsbehandler, healer, fysioterapeut og yogalærer.
— Natascha Gørtz, Juni 2021
Jeg har fået en kropsbehandling af Isa Raim og kan på det varmeste anbefale ham.
Efter en kort, afvæbnende samtale gik Isa i gang. Det gjorde at jeg var rolig og tryg.
Jeg kan sige så meget, at jeg kom sitrende ind ad døren og gik grounded, varm og energifyldt derfra en time senere. Mit sind vandrede, mens Isa behandlede. 
Selve behandlingen oplevede jeg som en blanding af blødgørende, nænsomme lange strøg og faste, løsnende berøringer fra top til tå, hele tiden med blik for min privatsfære og mit velvære. Jeg er kommende stamkunde
— Petra Bonato, Juli 2021
Isa er en hjertevarm, nærværende og healende spirituel kropsterapeut, der formår at gøre en behandling nærende og helhedsorienteret. Oplever det handler mere om processen fremfor målet og i et tempo kroppen kan føle sig tryg til at udfolde sig i sit eget tempo og give slip. Han har min varmeste anbefaling fra min sjæl og mit hjerte
— Wenkina Weidner, Marts 2021
My warmest recommendations goes to Isa. He is such an inspiration on many levels. His profound knowledge within yoga, alignment, meditation and bodyawareness is mind blowing. So, is his life journey. His vibrating energy is warm, loving, wise (and fun!) You are in such good and caring hands around Isa. Really an extraordinary teacher.
Moreover his body treatments are so nourishing, balancing and uplifting. I had problems with my psoas muscle for a long time and after 2h treatment every single pain passed by... wauw what a relief.... moreover I love the way he expands the traditionel physiotherapy with spiritual guidance and essentiel oil blends to nourish all senses.
Thank you so much!
— Tina Juul, Feb 2021
Det sidste års tid har jeg løbende modtaget kropsbehandlinger hos Isa, hvilket har været noget af det bedste, jeg har gjort for migselv.

Isa har en helt særlig evne til at mærke, hvad der rør sig hos andre mennesker, og dét sætter udgangspunktet for hans behandlinger. Tilgangen er ren og oprigtig, og du bliver mødt lige der, hvor du er. Intuitivt og indfølende, kombinerer Isa sine mange faglige færdigheder og tilpasser behandlingen efter dine behov. Isa er en yderst kærlig og hjertevarm terapeut, hvis enorme nærvær skaber den bedste forudsætning for en tryg relation med plads til fordybelse. Hele vejen igennem behandlingen, holdes rummet i et støttende og roligt miljø, der muliggør dyb afspænding, indre forløsning og healing på et helt subtilt niveau.

For mig har mødet med Isa og hans terapeutiske arbejde været som at finde hjem i migselv. Jeg går altid derfra med fornyet energi, en øget bevidsthed og et lettet hjerte. Bevæget, beriget, berørt.

Jeg giver Isa min varmeste anbefaling, og kan kun opfordre dig til at booke en tid og mærke på egen krop, hvad det kan gøre for dig
— Mette Pedersen, Januar 2020
“Isa is an unique and talented yoga teacher. He always manage to start the working day with a smile or make a tough day good. His knowledge on all aspects of yoga is tremendous and it is clear that he practises what he teaches. Even though I have practiced yoga for more than 7 years I learn something new all the time. His teachings comes right from the heart, which make his classes authentic. He has awareness of all his students, new and old, and creates a safe, fun and loving environment to practise yoga in.”

— Mie Nordly, Feb 2016


"Isa is an unique and talented yoga teacher. He always manage to start the working day with a smile or make a tough day good. His knowledge on all aspects of yoga is tremendous and it is clear that he practises what he teaches. Even though I have practiced yoga for more than 7 years I learn something new all the time. His teachings comes right from the heart, which make his classes authentic. He has awareness of all his students, new and old, and creates a safe, fun and loving environment to practise yoga in."

Mie Nordly, Feb 2016


“I think that Isa is a very talented and skilled teacher. He can do something pretty wild with sequencing and instructions on how to hold positions, which to me means that I am significantly less sore, if at all, in even quite tough asana practices. I achieve good alignment when he teaches, which of course is super cool! I also love his positive approach to yoga, that he makes me smile so much and that he manages to create a great atmosphere and sharing out of hugs and sweet words. I also like that for me it seems like he simultaneously doesn’t sugar-coat things, but on the contrary says it the way he really feels about things. The fact that he is not afraid to physically assist one to guide better into a position and / or to make a note of where you may have a challenge to me is a big plus. I would like to learn more of him and I look forward more possibilities to learn:)”

Mie Skøtt Møbjerg


"To meet Isa has been a gift. He exudes warmth and love, and you feel immediately his truthfulness and a special authenticity that makes him unique. He has a great insight, knowledge, self-awareness and joy of giving to others. He radiates and uses himself 100 % as an example in his teachings. He makes the complex simple, and he offers you to find your own path and expression.  He guides you on your life's yoga journey. To meet Erdinc is a source of inspiration for life and I look forward to several more hours with Erdinc."

Tina Czajkowska


"When I first met Isa some years ago, I immediately fell in love with his personal and honest way of teaching. He has the ability to effectively guide through the sessions, while at the same time building a bridge between everyday life and the work on the mat with just the right amount of spirituality. And I can honestly say, not only did I fall in love with his teaching, through his teaching I fell in love with yoga!" 

Maren Hallin


"In the heartspace - Isa is a loving and kind soul with lots of energy and enthusiasm. He makes me feel comfortable and safe to play around and do crazy stuff.. What's not to like? I highly recommend that you take a class with him!"

Kiri Weimann


"Always centered and smiling. Isa is an extraordinary teacher - passionate about his art and his students. He encourages you to push your limits but allows you to find those limits yourself. I even managed to do a handstand - not well - but I did it."

Elizabeth Schultz


"Favourite yoga teacher. Isa is one of my few favourite yoga teachers. He has a profound knowledge on the physical and mental body and brings a very loving and kind energy to every class. His classes must be experienced in order to understand exactly what it is, makes them so special."

Minka Tøth


"My favorite teacher. His classes are whole hearted and I love them. He got me to understand yoga poses better and how to use body while doing them. He always challenges you in a nice way and there's room for everybody at any level."

Amira Catharina Sørensen